Monday, November 2, 2009

Pact the world in with a fistful of almonds.
Just for Today’s Women Whether you are 16 0r 60, the power woman needs to start her day on high energy. Soak in a handful of almonds overnight and munch into them as you wade through those chores in the morning. According to research, a fistful of almonds or a 28 gram
serving of almonds provides your body with great source of Vitamin E, magnesium, protein, fibre, potassium, calcium, iron and monounsaturated fat. All in just 160 calories! In fact, almonds can be a great source of nutrients for the entire family.

Light and easy to store and carry, almonds are also good if you are looking to take control over extra kilos. A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that women who were instructed to eat 344 calories worth of almonds that’s about two servings per day over the course of ten weeks did not gain weight. Almonds, like all nuts, have a high fat content, but nearly 70 percent of this is monounsaturated, a healthy fat that research ahs shown can help lower lood LDL or “bad” cholesterol levels. They also provtect against oxidative stress and help in avoiding blood sugar spikes after a carbohydrate rich meal of foods that increase blood sugar levels.

Almonds add value not just when consumed but also when used externally. That perhaps explains the reason for almonds being an integral part of a large number of beauty products today. From body oil or hair oil and face scrubs they add the magic touch everywhere. So simply add these little power nuts to your everyday diet and see the difference.